.one year , one word . random . almost every day .



d a u g h t e r s


.... 30 days of gratitude ....


Joan Elizabeth said...

Now that is a very special point of gratitude and a lovely photo.

L.L. Barkat said...

Daughters. Yes, I have those to be thankful for. Immensely so.

Lovely picture.

S. Etole said...

How very lovely she is ...

Unknown said...

yes, I am thankful for daughters too - and your daughter is so very beautiful!

Gayle at Planet M Files said...

Yes, for sure! Your daughter is a beauty (both of them are!)

Anonymous said...

she is beautiful, daughters are so very special-

ELK said...

thank you so much friends.. I miss her already .. it was a quick visit

chrissy said...

your daughter is beautiful. i love her eyes. your 30 days of gratitude photos are gorgeous as always!

Char said...

gorgeous smile