.one year , one word . random . almost every day .



f l o u r i s h

old and white


S. Etole said...

elegant grace ...

Renee Howell said...

Technical questions: How, in blogger, do you get your photos so large? If it is too hard to explain - just say so. We are all busy! Thanks - either way.

Renee Howell said...

Well - never mind. I figured it out "all by myself." grinning at my success.

Char said...

elegant and beautiful

JoLyn said...

This is beautiful...love the simplicity.

Joan Elizabeth said...

This and Susan's photo in the sidebar have me thinking I should try a monochrome week in BMJ - they are lovely.

oz said...

beautiful...love the sharp contrast of the white petals against the background :)

Gayle at Planet M Files said...

Another breathtaking image! I want to gaze at it for a very long time!

Jeanne Frances Klaver said...

Soft, defined form.