.one year , one word . random . almost every day .



c u t o u t

m a g a z i n e 2


Joan Elizabeth said...

cutout? looks like a dahlia flower.

elk said...

it is from a magazine ...it is pink too~ elk

Char said...

flickr is being mean and is not sharing right now. i'll be back.

Gayle said...

Cool! It makes me want to switch my camera over to black and white for a while.

S. Etole said...

very intricate ...

Marcie said...

This is so very wonderful. Love the abstract effect...the textures here.

Renee Howell said...

ohhhhh! ahhhhhh! BEST EVER! My fav!

Rave reviews from the kitchen counter this morning!

traceyclark said...
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L.L. Barkat said...

The cutout is SO cool.

You remarked about my table. I remember yours. It is what drew me to you...

Char said...

very cool processing - it makes this beautiful dahlia very abstract and modern